Flash photography, Cloud, World, Sky, Font
Flash photography
Flash photography
Flash photography

English Curriculum Rap at SAHS:

Hair, Handwriting, Purple, Font, Pink, Violet, Happy, Magenta
Hair, Handwriting, Purple, Font, Pink, Violet, Happy, Magenta

The Stillwater Administration hid the Ninth Grade English curriculum from public inspection for over two years.

Let's see what we found when we forced public release:

But first, here are two one-page essays about the finding and the dysfunction demonstrated by the District's secrecy. Click to view in another tab or email or download to print.

But first, here are two one-page essays about the finding and the dysfunction demonstrated by the District's secrecy. Click to view in another tab or email or download to print.

    Is our High School English curriculum focused on developing useful literacy skills? Or has this goal been crowded out in favor of indoctrinating students in Neo-marxist identity and oppression ideology? Let’s look at the evidence. The theme running through the 2020-2021 Stillwater Area High School English 9A class was “How do people find freedom in the midst of oppression?” And the course did indeed provide ample opportunity to dwell on that idea of oppression, especially as it relates to the modern American landscape. From describing California wildfires as a modern day dustbowl, to stating Jim Crow still exists via mass incarceration, to Anti-trump cartoons and a plethora of left-leaning media exposure, the entire course had progressive ideology and worldview “baked into” it’s praxis. The question seems more fittingly to be, “How can we find oppression and progressivism in the midst of English lessons?”

    Even when Animal Farm was read (or listened to), there was no reprieve from this narrative being turned into another lesson steeped in progressive thinking. The contents of a data request showed class discussion making a U-turn from the usual subject of parables, and the book’s clearly described dangers of socialist (and preceding marxist) doctrine. Instead, lessons tied into the oppression of right-wing fascism, the 1932 American Bonus Army, and the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. These are all worthy subjects of study in history class.

    Parts of the course involved taking an Enneagram personality test, learning the DEARMAN strategy, and other SEL topics. While not necessarily bad things to know, is it appropriate that they take up critical English class time? There was also content from left leaning activist websites such as dosomething.org- a “collective” of youth changing the world. Furthermore, there was an instruction in something called the Metta Prayer, a Buddhist meditation. This prayer would have been an appropriate subject for cultural social studies, not taught as an actual prayer as part of SEL and identity building in English class in a publicly funded school.

    These are not the only topics that somehow jumped from social studies to English: throughout the year the class was assigned to listen regularly to CNN 10 and NPR and answer follow-up questions. In a class spending inordinate time on these subjects, and a good deal on podcasts and audiobook options as well, one wonders how much actual reading comprehension happened.

    Literacy skills are crucial for long term success. There is a finite amount of time our kids spend in class. When other subjects,no matter their perceived merit, are added to the course, the time spent learning those critical literacy skills is thereby lessened. As long as this trend persists, we will continue to see the worrying decline in literacy.

Catherine Hobb's Summary of Our Findings

Click to close the summary

Out with political rap

Green, Font
Flash photography, Cloud, World, Sky, Font
Flash photography
Flash photography
Flash photography

How does Stillwater repurpose English 9 to fight oppression?

Hair, Handwriting, Purple, Font, Pink, Violet, Happy, Magenta
Hair, Handwriting, Purple, Font, Pink, Violet, Happy, Magenta

English 9 was recast as:

The class is significantly focused on class & race struggle doctrines encapsulated as the "theme" of the course.

Click to view the "oppression" studies focus:

Purple, Pink, Font, Violet

You might be surprised. According to the District's lawyer's (who have finally relented to part of the public inspection), this theme was pursued by "assigned coursework" consisting of:

By having the course oriented on marxist ideology:

The Following Sections Present Actual Ninth Grade "English" Curriculum Released by ISD 834

Yes, most of English instruction these days is watching videos.

All of the following linked materials are stated by the District's attorneys to be "Assigned Course Work"

As you examine these ask yourself what does this have to do with teaching English.

Teacher invasions of student privacy are integral to the radical theory dominating teaching today, but schools performing activity similar to psychotherapy outside of licensed parameters raises privacy risks and risks of harm.

Part 2: CNN Exercises: Political Dogma as English

Human body, Nose, Vertebrate, Mouth, Jaw, Beard, Organism, Mammal, Gesture, Rectangle
Cartoon, Gesture, Font, Sleeve, Smile
Gesture, Font, Cartoon
Cartoon, Organ, Jaw, Organism, Mammal, Gesture

The Most Common Homework Assignment is Watching CNN or Public Radio

These cartoons are all English instruction or are they partisan dogma?

The lack of reading assignments is alarming.

Again, all of these were produced District's attorneys to be the English 9 instruction used:

Again, all of these were produced District's attorneys to be the English 9 instruction used:

As you examine these ask yourself what does this have to do with teaching English.

The CNN exercises include asking kids to report their parents' television choices and bias.

Rubrics must be objective and systematic to avoid capricious grading frustrating motivated students. Here is another of the writing assignments:

Note that running spell check is graded as a "technical skill."

Below is the example of the "formal" writing assignment for the entire year with the same rubric used on all writing assignments.

The grading of writing assignments is weighted by the teacher's idea of an individual student's ability...

Does it show your personality and voice?

Did you try your best?

Does your project show what you're capable of?

A teacher cannot grade on the basis of calculating objective achievement then divided or weighted by ability:

A bad paper could be the best effort and earn the top grade.

Part 3: Woke Stories

As you examine these assigned lessons ask yourself: what does this have to do with teaching English.

Are there patterns in the "assigned coursework" choices?